Sunday, April 6, 2008

Multi-genre Project

I haven't really made a decision yet on what the topic will be on, but I am thinking about doing it on one or more of the short stories that we read in class. Made comparing and contrasting or finding creative ways to represent the stories. If anyone has any suggestions they would be very appreciated and if not I am sure I will figure it out.


Erinn said...

It sounds like you're thinking of looking at the same story from multiple perspectives...seeing how retelling the story in different ways might affect the story's meaning. If so, you might start by listing many different genres. For example, love letter, bilboard, fable, children's story, song lyrics, advertisement, want-ad, etc. Next, you might try re-telling the original story from some of these perspectives. For example, how might "A Good Man is Hard to Find" be made into an Aesop's fable type story? I'm guessing you might discover new and interesting meanings to the original story by doing this! Is this what you had in mind? I'm curious to hear what you think...

Jessica Rozek said...

you did a really good job on the wiki space thing, so maybe you could just do that again!

Jess said...

I think you should write about a few different genres. Maybe one particular poem that inspired you to think differently and one different short story, etc. And why it made you think differently about the genres or about your own life.