Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"How To" Ride a Horse

First things first....
1. Catch the horse. That is the most necessary thing.
2. Tie them up so they dont get loose, but if they do, repeat step one. Hint: Carrots or grain should do the trick.
3. Brush them down good paying close attention to hair growth direction. DO NOT skip this part or else you will probably get kicked off because they will be uncomfortable.
4. Put on the saddle blanket and saddle or else you really cant ride without them.
5. Tighten down cinch doing it slowly and in several increments.
6. Put in bit or you will have no control.
7. Get on. Hint use a step stool.
8. Now comes the FUN part.
9. Keep reins even and your heels down. Sit up straight and sit on your back pockets.
10. Warm up for at least 5 minutes first.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I like the tips you give in your How To like using carrots to catch it. This is a useful guide.